

Well-Known Member
I'm sitting at the house minding my own business when I here the door to the mail slot clang. I walk to the front door & laying in the floor is a small package from South Dakota of all places. The land of abundant grass where even the median of the interstate is mowed & baled. The land of ringnecks & not a few prairie dogs. I'm thinking what it this? While opening the well-sealed package visions of the Uni-Bomber & his tarpaper shack in Lincoln, Montana are rolling through my head. Once opened I found a gift from Catshooer. In the 30-30 thread he offered a hammer extension for my Handi Rifle. And there it was along with an allen wrench for installation. And if that wasn't enough, a nice Mag-na-port patch was included. Thanks Catshooter. I'll try it today.