Computer Crashed Again!


Official forum enigma
Bear with me for a few days while I get re-establishd online. I didn't get sick or disappear, and I'm not sure exactly what occurred. This may take a while to repair and return whole again. Sorry about this.


Well-Known Member
i just went through an issue with my router.
it made it seem like my computer was glitching out and freezing, but it was the router giving me all sorts of grief.
you'd not know it by looking at all the blinking lights and such on the router.


Official Pennsyltuckian
I do most everything at home on an Ipad with a keyboard attached. For stuff like this, it doesn’t get any easier. I let the IT department at work take care of my work laptop. I use to do that crap for a living, not sure you could pay me enough to do it now.