Thread Drift


Well-Known Member
I have one like that on my left forearm too. A week or so further along in healing. Daughter decided I needed a pet in the house. Got a feral kitten for me. One year old, but still has those wild moments. Always watch the eyes.
I have one also on my left wrist. My indoor kitty escaped outside in the 1990's and I snuck up on her and scared the beejesus out of her and she ran back it the house! Then when I tried to calm her down she released the "Wrath of Minka the Russian blue" on me! She was a big cat and powerful. I bleeded for a good hour! Now the nasty scar looks like I cut my left wrist!


Active Member. Uh/What
Never could figure out why the cartoon character "Tasmanian Devil" looked like a dog, when in practical application an extremely P.O-ed cat is a much more accurate portrayal.