Corona virus precaution.


Well-Known Member
Oath Keepers sent out an info.. The Virus is airborne and can live up to 9 hours in the best temperature zone and possibly longer. Be advised and aware.


Well-Known Member
People are putting way too much stock into this.

But it sells a lot of papers, so there you have it.

There have been only 22 cases reported so far in the USA. As I write.

I had caught the infectious bird flue a years ago along with unrealized, untreated diabetes, and then pneumonia. I am still breathing. The bird flue put me in the hospital, and messed me up for about 5 years,but it saved my life.
As I had high blood pressure, and diabetes, that would have never been caught unless I had gotten the flue, and pneumonia.
Corona virus, I can live with those odds. Meh, bring it on.;)
But,No, seriously,
I would recommend taking reasonable precautions as with cold and flue season.
As my doctor advises me every cold and flue season. Be aware of your surroundings, and keep your bugger fingers away from your mouth.:D, forget buying masks, and sanitizer (sanitizer kills bacteria well,on skin, but not so much viruses), Just wash your hands maybe a bit more, and a bit past the wrists, wipe down common use items occasionally, with Clorox wipes or spray with Lysol. But don't get to stressed out about it.
It is not the Killer Zombie virus it is being made out to be. But a little extra precaution won't hurt.
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Resident Half Fast Machinist
I'm not sure where you got your figures but the latest I read on the CDC website states the mortality rate for seasonal flu less than 0.1%, Covid 19 is estimated to have a 2% rate, SARS is 9.6%, MERS is 34% and swine flu 0.02%. It also appears to have a higher person-to person transmission rate than seasonal flu. Those figures are of course preliminary as the coronavirus Covid 19 becomes more widespread and the data pool is large enough for better analysis.

I don't know about mortality rate for pneumonia but including that with the flu stats is a little misleading. It appears the covid19 has a 10 to 20 times greater mortality rate and a higher transmission rate. This could of course change for lots of reasons.

Agree there is no reason to panic but at this point I am concerned for lots of reasons.


Well-Known Member
Got it from an article I read from a link I clicked, but I have looked up your info and it is definitely from a much better source, and very current. Of course there are so many news organizations spitting stuff out there, it is hard to filter the truth.
The 22 cases in the US was from the latest ABC news article.
But the point I was stressing is that this is something that we as individuals can not control except by common sense practices, which we should be already using, this time of year. So going overboard with things is only going to cause us undue stress.
Concerned yes , worried no.
As per your correction I have deleted my incorrect stats from the post. Thank you for stearing me in the right direction.
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Well-Known Member
The problem with this virus is that it is airborne so it can travel a ways with a cough or sneeze and land on something. Then wait for hours if conditions are right. Just for you to touch it, and then your face.
Just not touching your face and washing your hands a bit more than regularly, can be a great weapon in combating this, and a lot of other nasty stuff.
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358156 hp

At large, whereabouts unknown.
We're being manipulated folks.
I don't mean to suggest that we ignore the possibilities, but keep your feet on the ground, your head in the game, and pay attention to the facts at hand. Take reasonable precautions so in case the situation changes, you'll be ahead of the pack. Some of the rumors around town here are absolute fantasy.

We're being manipulated.


Staff member
They said on the news that you can have it for two weeks before symptoms show up. If that's true that could make it really tough to track and slow the spread. I'm in the camp of not really too worried over it, wait and see. So far it's not nearly as bad as the flu for number of cases or deaths. Brad is right, wash your hands a bunch extra if you've been out in public places. And by all means keep your elbows out of your ears. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Well look at post 1.....:embarrassed:
Tom was trying to make a funny and we went all serious on him, before he could get his post to take.
Great one Tom.:rofl:


Resident Half Fast Machinist
As time passes and more data is accumulated and standardized methods of statistical analysis are applied the numbers will change.


Well-Known Member
they keep trying to sell me their product so I'm assuming so.
of course my computer runs on windows 7 so there is that.

I'm waiting for the virus to mutate, that is when it could pose a real problem.
the good thing about most viruses is they don't want to kill the host, they just want to keep on keeping on as a species.
killing the host is not a good way to do that.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Funny how Chinas biological warfare research center is in Wuhan and that's where the virus started and how the Chinese PM is talking about lab security now. It's also funny how the protests in the streets stopped overnight after this got going. Huh.


Temecula California
It was reported by a Canadian source that the virus was originally developed in a lab in Canada.
I do not have any specifics except (I heard and they said)
It was stolen by a Chinese scientist working there and sent to China.
They tested it on animals at their lab in Wuhan and then sold the animals to the
local animal food market. (Nice way to dispose of unwanted animal specimens)
so no wonder it started and spread in Wuhan.

I wonder what the lab in Canada was doing with it to start with!



Resident Half Fast Machinist
Until I see something from a legitimate news source reporting what real scientists and intelligence officals say I will not go down the road of conspiracy nonsense. I will not listen to or give any credence to anything that comes from any politician without a legitimate science background.


Staff member
The only thing I've heard on the source is that it did start in Wuhan and that China's largest biowarfare lab is also there. They did not say it came from the lab, did not say they fed sick critters to people.