It ain't just the tinsel fairy


Well-Known Member
It isn't always the tinsel fairy....
I had around 600 bullets in a baking pan, dumping in the rear and rolling them to the front to make more room to dump. I had a touch of overhang and unbalanced the pan, sending around 50 into my lap.
In the process of stopping the rest from spilling, I managed to tip my soda over as well as the sprue plate lube. What a mess!


Well-Known Member
I got a spot on the shelf next to the bench just for my drinks.

but yeah I bet you were much more awake than you were 20 seconds before that happened.


Resident Half Fast Machinist
I usually get my worst case of fumble-itis when I'm trying to measure an external thread using thread wires and an outside mike. I learned to totally clean out the chip tray to make finding the little things easier 'cuz I know I'll be dropping them a dozen times. Coffee does help tho.


Well-Known Member
Primers... drop a primer then see it on the floor. Bend over to get it glasses fall off on the way down. Then you give yourself a black eye on the round lee press knob you left hanging out. Tell me I am not the only one!
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Well-Known Member
Primers... drop a primer then see it on the floor. Bend over to get it glasses fall off on the way down. Then you give yourself a black eye on the round lee press knob you left hanging out. Tell me I am not the only one!
Quite a picture of your paint their Emmett, sorry for the troubles man!
Weren't me I'd whack the back of my head standing back up.... :oops: :sigh:

Tomme boy

Well-Known Member
Speaking of the tinsel fairy. Want to see a mess? Have a 50 bmg apit bullet go off while smelting your range lead. I was glad I was across the yard when that happened.


Halcyon member
Shortly after I started casting, I had a mini-tinsel fairy event.

I make lots of dummy rounds, as it's my way of checking COAL, functionality and such ...with new to me bullet designs and/or new to me guns. I just can't leave dummy rounds assembled after their usefulness is over (OCD), so I dissemble them and recycle accordingly.

At that time of the mini-tinsel fairy event, I hadn't mastered the techniques for cast bullet pulling in difficult circumstances (it was a unlubed bullet, I always use a lubed bullets now). Once when I had some tough ones, I thought, maybe I can just "melt" the lead out of the case. As I was holding a case upside down with pliers, over a Lee pot ...BANG! :eek:

Somehow, I had assembled a dummy round with a live primer, instead of the usual spent primer. I must have been super lucky I never pulled the trigger with that dummy in the chamber during my testing. Anyway, I got lead splatter all over the North wall of the second floor kitchen that I converted into a casting room.

BTW, I hear there currently is an opening for a Filmcrew Armorer :p


Well-Known Member
Quite a picture of your paint their Emmett, sorry for the troubles man!
Weren't me I'd whack the back of my head standing back up.... :oops: :sigh:
I think I am the only person I know who has hit myself it the head with a sledge hammer. Never really hurt myself that bad, just experience a plethora of 3 stooges type happenings.
Think I have always been held to such high safety standards at work that I let my guard down at home.
As was stated earlier, women must really love clumsy men. Guess that is why I managed to get a good looking one,and stay married for 20 years.
Entertainment value. I give her something to laugh at.
I start working on a project, minuets later, she is sitting behind me on her fishing chair, cool drink in hand waiting for the show, if she has friends close by, I may even develope quit an audience.
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