Limits to avoid target damage.


Well-Known Member
We are using HOOKS over 1" rebar to suspend our AR500 targets. The hooks have eliminated the issues with bolts and chains.

I tried some of these, and while they work OK on the pistol range, rifle impacts frequently knocked targets off. We had a local guy modify the design using 3/8" AR500 as the hooks, and now the targets rarely get knocked off. Ours have deeper hooks with the top curling back so as to retain the targets, and the holes in the targets need to be bigger to accomodate the hooks. The local guy quit doing this, so I'm going to have to find another supplier.

IMO, A-572 is going to be too soft. I'm going to suggest that you inquire here

Prices are lower than that other guy and shipping is included. This IS the guy I'm going to contact for my hooks.
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West Central AR
My hooks are a deep J almost a U actually.

X Steel adds mil , first , order etc discounts . I didn't look this visit but when I bought mine it was a flat $14 unless you were buying like the dueling tree or something.

Like I said it's been a couple of years maybe they were cleaning up scraps from a refit job or something then .......