Site Issues Today


Tech Support
Staff member
Sorry about the site issues today -- one of the other sites on the same server was getting hit by a DDOS, forcing a server reboot. Unfortunately, that caused some database corruption which had to be resolved before things were fully functional again.



Staff member
Many thanks Kevin for all that you do for us.

You're truly an unsung hero ! !

We wouldn't have much of a chance without your help.



Well-Known Member
you saved Brad a phone call..
I was replying to a post when things went wonky.

right then the wife walked in and said let's go
Me: ummm where?
Her: to Pocatello
me: okay, I need another fishing reel anyway.
Her: umm,,,,,,,,, no you need 2..... I broke one yesterday while we were fishing.
ME.???????? OH GOD not one of my Presidential series reels [they are about $100.00] HOLY, WHAT??? [Hyper ventilating setting in]
Her: no one of the $12.00 cheapo's you keep in the boat.
ME: oh.. no problem [all nice and cool] that's why they are there.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
You don't actually let her use the good ones, do you?

My dad still catches hell about the time he bought my older brother, at the time 12 or so, a new reel. He also bought himself a new one and gave my mom his old one. My mom told my brother, in front of the clerk and everyone, that someday if he took care of his new reel he could give it to his wife and buy himself a new one.


Well-Known Member
oh heck no.
she usually gets the re-built Mitchell 300's I find at yard sales for $5.00, and I generally reel the line off my poles onto her reels.
I do have to give her a new jig head every now and then instead of just the dull ones I take off and put in a small box.
but since she won't re-sharpen the hooks she has no one to blame but herself for getting them dull like that.
if I let her use anything nice [that's mine] it will get broken, so I get her, her own junk err equipment.

I like your Mom,, just from that one story.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
The reel in question was, of all things, a Mitchell 300. :)


Notorious member
I cried the day I was told at the sporting goods counter that Garcia/Mitchell 308s and 300s were no longer made, the Mitchell replacements turned out to be almost as good, but not quite. I think I was about eight years old. Got a handful of them still with either the anti-reverse broken or a broken spool lock spring.