Starting an Eclipse Thread for you folks that saw it!


Well-Known Member
Well for us it was typical Astronomical weather for NEPA! Crystal Clear blue skies today until the eclipse and then heavy clouds moved in! However we got to see glimpses of the eclipsed sun 10 or 12 times when a hole in the clouds would come by! At 95 % coverage It was the darkest Solar Eclipse I have ever seen. Definitely got pretty dark & Cooler and The Cardinals started singing their early morning pre-Sunrise Songs! And many other birds settled in to the trees around the house. I had set up my little 60 mm Tasco Refractor scope in the morning for solar projection for everyone here to watch but by eclipse time it was hard to get the sun into it for any length of time because of the clouds!
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Well-Known Member
The high school I teach at provided glasses for all the kids and let everybody out of class for a half hour to look at it, pretty cool.

Several years ago when they had the last one, they did the same thing, but I took the day off and drove up into NE Kansas where the eclipse was 100%, definitely something to behold.

Jeff H

NW Ohio
Clear, cloudless day in my part of NW Ohio. Watched it in the back yard with some cheap eclipse "glasses." Had to bundle the Missuz up as it cooled.

Not sure of any mayhem, as we're out away from dense populations, bigger roads, but I wonder if the "loonies" showed up in droves as expected. At least one neighbor expressed concerns of people parking in his drive, clogging up things. We both live back off the road and there's one way off the properties to pavement, unless you drive a mile through a field. I didn't put up any signs or barricades. Had there been someone parked in the drive and I had a emergency, I have a little "4L" at the end of one of the shifter travels which will move things out of the way rather efficiently.

Very peaceful, no drama. Only thing I could hear was the neighbor's Dexters lowing.


Well-Known Member
Clear blue skies here,and we had a total blackout.
I was halfway home from my 1hr commute,,headlights came on,,got black!!
Temp dropped 9 degrees,,10 minutes later,,just like it never happened.

Cant understand the thousands of city slickers,that drove up here,,,,just wow


West Central AR
Watched it in a makeshift shadow box .

I've seen 2-3 75% eclipses in the shadow of the Sierras with the shadow box arrangement so it was kind of a let down when it went full eclipse and there was no halo ...... It was kind of cool to see stars at 1:45 in the afternoon. It was dark enough to trip all of the yard lights .
The sliver of light on the right side was coming out of eclipse the larger one was too big to show the shadow.
Oddly this is what the phone captured in full shadow.

I can see clearly now why as little as 1000 yr ago a total eclipse would have been terrifying.


Notorious member
We were dead-center of the path and it was very cloudy, but little holes here and there like JW had let us watch it and take pictures. We saw the shadow of totality coming from the SW like the Langoliers, kind of spooky actually as darkness swooped over us and engulfed the light to the NE. Heard crickets start chirping all across the aerodrome and yeah, it was pretty dark for a couple of minutes. Clouds covered the fade back in but we got a decent show. The only thing I wanted to see was stars and due to the cloud cover didn't see a one. Several pressurized turboprops took off about 20 minutes before the peak and did patterns up near 20K feet, I bet they got a good show above the clouds. It was nutbars and pandelerium after that with everyone having to head back to the big cities at once on the same two lanes of interstate.


Well-Known Member
It was about 90% here, and the clouds were in and out. The lighting was most definitely odd, but never dark. I used polarized sunglasses with another polarized lens turned 90 degrees and still could only view when there was quite a bit of cloud cover.


Well-Known Member
Did not have a special filter and we had a lot of cloud cover. So nothing too spectacular. Just got darker and colder for about 5 minutes. Birds stopped singing a bit. If I looked real close, I could see the Aura on my phone.


Well-Known Member
Over our house, Ashtabula County, Ohio, it was supposed to be a total eclipse. Don’t know as we are working in the Chicago area. It did darken quite a bit up here. Herself made a pin hole viewer and sent me an image. Cool. She was back at the rental taking care of our dogs.

Here is Quinn at the peak of the eclipse,

Not impressed!
