Runaway hobby!


Active Member
Loading and casting my own is challenging and allows for more down right fun shooting. It's not just more " bang for the buck" though. It's more satisfying being successful with ammo I've made. Even catching fish with spoons and poles that I've made lends more satisfaction. Maybe it's a little enjoyment from being some what self reliant that we all enjoy.

It all started with loading shot shells with my dad at age 12, and then went on to a 30-30 Winchester Lee Loader at age 15. Killed my second buck with 30-30s loaded from that Lee Loader back in 1966. That's a memory that still burns bright in my mind.

As long as God allows me I plan to cast, load and shoot. My health prevents me from dragging deer out of the woods now but the target ranges, and some long range chuck hunting are still much fun.
