I'm pretty hardcore about not having stuff I don't need or use and have been ruthlessly paring down over several
years DECADES to what I REALLY want and need.
Moulds were on the list, of course, and I have TWO moulds per the few calibers I now support, except for the one I feel is THE most important to me - the .357"/.358" - the 35 caliber.
I have TWO moulds I use for the 22, TWO moulds I use for the 30 cal and TWO moulds I use for the 44. If I had to go to ONE for each of those, I already know which ONES would stay and which ones would go - EASY decision. GONE in a heartbeat would be the superfluous to my NEEDS.
For my most used/most useful cartridge/bore - the 35s, I have not been able to make this decision so easily. As ruthlessly pragmatic as I've been able to be on everything else, I've failed miserably on the 35. At one time, I was mistakenly settled on TWO for the 35s. Then it went back up to THREE. THEN, FOUR again! And I'm a "take-no-prisoners" type on this type of thing. Die-hard, dyed in the wool pragmatist on the matter.
I honestly think that the single hardest caliber to "limit" is the 35 caliber. I made it ll the way down to TWO 35 cal moulds, but then went back up to three. Just recently (and this is
@Glen 's fault), I found what I THINK is THE perfect 35 cal mould for my uses and it's currently in the Netherlands, en route from Slovenia - of al places. Bear in mind that I'm a child of the Cold War, the propaganda of which let us feel sorry for and believe that all Eastern European nations were superstitious, oppressed, suppressed, backwards, third-world countries under the Soviet Iron Thumb.
Will THIS one be THE one mould I need for most of my uses in the 35s?
It sure looks like what I've imagined, but probably not. I really do not think that one can have "too many" 35 cal moulds. Not just because I have not achieved it personally, but because it just does not make sense. It's just TOO versatile a caliber to try to limit the variations of bullet moulds.
Side Note: I also revel in the fact that I can now associate with, do commerce with countries which were "black holes" in my time.
I'll admit it - there is no such thing as "too many" moulds when it comes to the 35 caliber.