Traditions Nitrofire


Official Pennsyltuckian
Have any of you looked into this? It’s sold as a muzzle loader but uses precharged with powder and primer plastic cartridges. Bullet is still muzzle loaded. Plastic cartridges are not reloadable and cost 2.50 each. Looks like it would be fun: if the cartridges could be reloaded and the gun and cartridges weren’t so expensive. Of course someone would be blowing the thing up because they would fill it full of Bullseye... And by design, you can’t seat the bullet tight against the powder charge so a less than full charge of black powder or substitute might blow it up too.

didnt Savage make a muzzle loader they said could be loaded with smokeless?

Nope, I won’t be buying one...


West Central AR
Yep , seems like 4227 was one of the powders used in the Savage .
If memory serves they blew barrels . Likely the result of didn't follow directions and over/under loads .


Well-Known Member
I sorta seen something about this.
since I'm pretty sure it'd be non grata for hunting with around here, I just moved on.