Tumble lube designs


Well-Known Member
In terms of high production and low effort - I can see the attraction of tumble lube. However, I never went down the tumble lube path. IF your “as cast” bullet is the correct size for the gun it will be shot from, then tumble lube makes a lot of sense. You cast the bullets, tumble lube, load them, done. But if you must size the bullets after casting, then tumble lube loses most of its appeal in terms of production rate.

Tumble lube also has some limitations in terms applications. It works well at some velocities and bullets for handgun rounds, but it doesn’t work well for all applications. Conventional sizing and lubrication is a little more flexible, IMO. And if you need a gas check on a handgun bullet, (which I avoid like the plague) then you are in a whole new territory.

If I was starting from scratch, powder coating might be attractive to me but I’m not going to add a whole new process at this point.

Once you go down a path and select tools and related gear, there’s a level of commitment to that path. For instance, if you go down the RCBS/Lyman lubersizer route – you will have a collection of RCBS/Lyman sizer dies. If you go down the Star path you will have Star type dies and if you go down the SAECO path you will have SAECO dies. This doesn’t stop you from adding tumble lube or powder coating to your repertoire, but it does represent an additional capital outlay for yet more equipment if you add a process.
When I got a .38-55, I bought the Lee mold for it. Mine likes a fat bullet and that Lee mold drops them right about .381, pretty much perfect. Nice to just swish them in some LLA, load and shoot. A whole lot of fun to be had with nine grains of 700X and that bullet at 100 yards.


Staff member
The Lee 158 Tumble Lube.
A great bullet.



Well-Known Member
Ben, I believe I have settled on that one as my go to .38 revolver bukket. I cast up a coffe can full a few years ago and am down to my last few now, I need to break that mold and get to casting.


Well-Known Member
that 230 RN is a good bullet in the 45 acp.
lot of the pistol plate plinker dudes here use it.


Notorious member
I had Tom at Accurate Molds make me a two-groove, flat based copy of that TL 230 RN and it's my all-time favorite .45 ACP bullet for when I use regular lube. Only problem is it fouls my suppressors and won't feed in my AR-45 (bottom bolt lugs snag and rip the step and case mouth of the top cartridge in the magazine). I settled on the TL-230TC in a couple of six-banger moulds, zombie green powder coat, size .451", and never looked back.

Micro-groove or "tumble lube" bullets are absolutely perfect for powder coating.