Had to let go of one of my fur babys today


Well-Known Member
We're more into practical than pretty. When we had Timber (my avatar) cremated, his ashes and bone fragments went into a Mylar bag, which we then placed in a 20MM GI ammo can. He's on the living room floor, next to my saddle. Tasha, our current Malamute female will eventually join him in that ammo can.
Mylar bags seal air-tight, ammo can is air-tight (seal is in perfect shape) and durable and portable. When we moved, Timber went into the pickup truck with us and moved the 1700 miles to our new digs.
Mom's and my remains will be handled similarly.

We have one grave here on the homestead, almost 100 yds E by NE of the house. The previous owner's Malamute, marker in the shape of a dog bone reads, "Bandit, a Good Loyal Dog". Other dog's name was Max. We haven't found a marker for him yet.
Front 5 acres of the place is fenced. He had two giant Malamutes that patrolled to keep the deer out of the extensive gardens they maintained.


Well-Known Member
We're cat people. I rescued a kitten who was in a bad way last May, her eyes were so bad the vet was certain she'd be blind and kind of advised me to put her down, but agreed to treat her and her recovery has been miraculous, even he said it was divine intervention. Anyway, she brought us up to four. JUst had another little half grown female, sweet and cute as can be show up on our door three or four days ago. Got her shots and will get her spayed soon, but she'll have to be an outside one. I just can't say no to a kitty in need it seems.

Haven't been through it for a while, but it sure hurts when you lose one, seems like there's a big hole in the house when one isn't there all of a sudden.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, except for the first one we got 34 years ago, I don't think we've ever actually gone out looking to get a cat, they just seem to show up in our lives in one way or another. We've always had at least one, and 98% of the time two or more, but with this little outside one, we're up to five now, so gonna have to say no next time I think.
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High Steppes of Eastern Washington
You guys are really soft hearted people, taking in cats like that. Hope all goes well for you.


Well-Known Member
Our bird feeder is on a pole with a weighted base. I had it positioned near some fairly tall brush. Had to move it away from the brush, as a white cat wandered onto the property and decided that brush would make a great hunting blind.


Notorious member
Current position of the latest take-in, "sharing" my foot rest. He's adjusted quite nicely. We're back up to three inside plus my in/out shop cat (another abandoned black Russian who wandered up very sick and starving). That's a limit for us, we've found homes for several others along the way when we were full up and I've had to shoot a few really scrappy wild ones here and there.
