17 Years ago


Medina, Ohio
No politics - just American. Remember the many thousand that died this day 17 years ago and the conflict that still exist today.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
I was there from 9/12 on and off till the following spring. There is no forgetting for some of us, no matter how hard they try to push it out of memory.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Did not know you were there Bret. I am sure it left a lasting impression on your soul.
Thank you for your service.


Here is to them, their lives lived, their families strength, our support & tribute always.

Bret, Thank you for your service. It was an extremely toxic environment to be in. The total of secondary casualties just due to that are staggering.

With much guilt I felt relieved. My brother, a naval intelligence officer at the time, was supposed to be in the Pentagon that day. He would have walked that hallway a couple times that morning had his trip not been cancelled the evening before.

That day, at twenty something, I nearly quit my job to join the military.


Resident Half Fast Machinist
Well, 45 years ago on this date I married my best friend. She still is. Hasn't been as much fun to celebrate for the last 17 years so we sort of low key things and celebrate a few days later. Probably go out for dinner some evening toward end of week.

Just like Puerto Rico, the death toll from long term issues is going to be much greater than the initial casualty count.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Kind of a bummer, isn't it Keith. Hard to celebrate such a happy event on the anniversary of such a tragic loss of life.
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Well-Known Member
I had a co-worker/direct report/friend on a plane to LA (landed safely in Dallas). Had a very close friend stationed at the Pentagon that was supposed to be in the area hit, but renovations weren't complete and fortunately he was in Crystal City. Lot of co-workers in NYC - none affected. Had a very close friend (fellow veteran) that lived over Battery Park. His wife was an attorney in Manhattan. He ran 2+ miles to her work that morning because he couldn't get her on the phone, and subways stopped running. Ended up homeless for some time (forget how long) because they couldn't get back to their apartment. And I couldn't establish comms with everybody on this list for a week or more. AND had just left the military for good (IRR/resigned my commission) 10 months prior... I was a train wreck emotionally. Hadn't really put it all down in one place since, until this... And attended an appreciation ceremony for First Responders this morning. Won't ever forget...


Resident Half Fast Machinist
There are some events that are so powerful we remember them forever. For my father's generation it was Pearl Harbor, for my generation it was Kennedy's assassination, for my son's generation it's 9/11. We can tell you exactly what we were doing during the time of those events.


West Central AR
Bret ......tip of my hat .
From 3000 miles away as a VFF the loss of 343 was ........ poignant .
I was showering when the first hit came ......well somewhere between shampoo and socks anyway . The second came just about the time we would have started our busy shop work . About 10:30 (west coast) the call came that we we're going home and the facility was locking down . The next 7 work days we came in did 2 hrs for show up and 8 hr admin leave . Our work load we expected increase exponentially dropped to zero . We literally held down chairs and tile for 22 months .
I spent that afternoon with a close friend and watched that collision clip about 86,000 times .

The one thing that most stands out in my mind , beyond the events and the Reno Air races being cancelled , was that the red phone rang and Yassar Arafat was calling to assure that Palistine and no one with any relationship to them had anything to do with the events and that as long as it was inside of Palistine's boarders there was full support of whatever was needed . Fuel , food , staging , runways etc . Nobody remembers that .

My Grand parents were at Pearl . My Grandfather was out for a walk , " damned early for the Army to be up , on a Sunday no less ....... Son of a .....those aren't ours ".
My Grandmother was in a little apartment about 6 blocks from the gates at Pearl .
My Great Aunt was an RN and flight attendant for Pan Am , she set up and was running a triage in her living room in her pajamas and a tea towel appron .

My birthday has the good fortune of falling on the day that the Little Big Horn handed Yellow Hair his burro in 1866 .
Also in 1950 we were dragged into Korea .
Of course I didn't show up until 100 and 16 yr , respectively , after the fact .
The Iran hostage situation until 9/11 was probably the most significant event in my life .
I still haven't figured out what a Right Wing Leftist was in South America .
I did some research to find out why the Morros hate us ...... I don't have the pixels to go down that hole .
Beirut , the Gaza strip , West Bank , Jordan , IRA , PLO , ........ The USS Cole really fried my wires and I believe if we had gone out for blood then .......

Alas we're here to salute the 2900 that died that day in memoriam and those that have died because of it . So here's to them . To all that mopped up and faced the wreckage . To those that answered the call .


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
There are some events that are so powerful we remember them forever. For my father's generation it was Pearl Harbor, for my generation it was Kennedy's assassination, for my son's generation it's 9/11. We can tell you exactly what we were doing during the time of those events.

Yeah. And for this generation it's the new I phone... :(