2 wheels


Well-Known Member
This thread has caused me to revisit some of my old bikes. The oldest that I owned, not the first, was around 1980. It was a BSA A50 with dual carbs so would have been the "Cyclone Road" rather than the Royal Star. I don't know what year was on the title, but it was an A50 frame.

The 2nd oldest would have been a 1968 Norton P11A.

I had a Triumph X75H Hurricane as well. If you read the link, you'll see that it was actually to be released as a BSA (had the 5 speed BSA Rocket 3 engine/trans in a double downtube frame). "Triumph" was stamped OVER "BSA" on the side cases just below the cylinders. Triumph Tridents of the same time were vertical cylinders in a single front downtube frame.

While it wasn't terribly fast, one of the most fun bikes I had as a 1970 BSA 441VS. It was torquey and LOUD! Someone had a warped sense of humor when calling that part of the exhaust a "silencer".


Well-Known Member
Rode my '75 XLH Sportster like a surfboard under a 53' Albertson's trailer after the oncoming driver failed to yield to me on green and whipped a left turn in front of me. Fortunately I had practiced laying it down in a friend's grassy field so I knew sort of what to do in that situation. Stepped off the bike as it slid to the curb and stayed on my feet long enough to find a good place to taste my lunch for the second time and never got on a moto again, not even that one.

rather spiffy display of decorum, I would say!


Racebikes are an awful lot like a rifle stock.

Neither of which,really want you....on it.Just as free recoil "works",usually better than un-learned interferences through shooter input with a bench/bag gun.

It's the same thing on a tuned (chassis setup) racebike.Everybody "knows" it,but we still wrestle with them thinking,just like improper rifle handling.....that "daddy knows best".

It gets born out when that 200HP rocket,spits your dumbarse off.....the dang bikes will often,straighten right up,then take off on a perfect long arc.The rider still doing backflips.

So,the best shooters,just like the best riders,learn to not do anything more than absolutely necessary.Your brain is prolly not going to like that.It's telling you to hold that stock(handlebar) HARDER dangit.

It's a fear based response....baste'd in a lack of fundamentals'.