And I Did It MY Way


Well-Known Member
Having been under the guns of battleship New Jersey for three months off and on, can only agree with Dan. Navy gunnery amazed me, and they were shooting over us and about 8-10 miles beyond. We always said "there goes another VW going over" and then we would hear impact.


Well-Known Member
Best shooting I ever saw was from the Tonkin gulf by an old battleship at a small battalion of NVA dug in a hillside a ways inland. Those navy boys never missed! Was told they were 16" guns. Impressive is not even close to what our bunch of army heathens thought! Oh, and the hillside was 5 meters shorter when those gunners were through. ;)

Lost Dog,
At that time what unit were you with?

Lost Dog

75th Rangers scouting for the 173rd Airborne at the time. Was one of those rather wet days when nuthin was flying and ground arty was a might too far away. The navy was kind enough to lend a hand. Never said an unkind word to a navy troop since.:D:)