Happy Birthday America


Well-Known Member
Celebrating a birthdqay with family ,friends, gunfire and good eats...what could be better?

Oh ya!! all that and music !


Notorious member
I'm going grill salmon fillets, (turkey) bacon wrapped aspara-grass and marinated vegies. Yeah, I know it's not traditional 4th of July fare, but the doc told Mrs. smokeywolf to start watching her cholesterol.

Hopefully her doc also gave her some specific diet and supplement tips and didn't just leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
May God always Bless America! I'll do my part. Think I'll go to Chich-a-Filet today for dinner, if they are open. Just finished final painting in garage and bathroom ceiling so got to dry off. Dang, another inch of rain last nite. Dogs didn't like fireworks much. Keurig wouldn't work this morning so just cola - I'm grouchy.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Rick doesn't function without coffee. I do believe he has taken it to the obsession level. Backup bean grinders?
I think I had a cup about 10 years ago. Give me Coke any day.


Staff member
Some things are far too important to be left to chance. If I ever got any blood in my caffeine system it would no doubt be the end of me.
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Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
This goes way beyond being a belt AND suspenders guy.


Only 3? :rolleyes:

Huh, I really can't stand coffee or any warmed liquid. Caffeine gives me a headache in large quantities.

Happy Birthday America!


Notorious member
I only shot about 140 rounds today, really aggravated the mockingbird that has been trying non-stop for a week to get a girlfriend with his extensive vocabulary and acrobatics. Now he's trying to mimic the sound of suppressed gunfire.


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite at Rick's level with respect to a day not being livable without coffee. Only 1 backup generator and 1 backup bean grinder.

As opposed to Freebullet, I get the granddaddy of all migraines if I don't drink at least a cup and half of coffee by mid afternoon.

Oh, Ian, doc told her to back off on the red meat and sweets. We already pretty much know the rest of the low cholesterol diet protocols.

RicinYakima reminded me; the hand crank wheat grinder can also grind coffee beans. That makes two.


Well-Known Member
I flew the flag on the 4th, and 'Amen' to the happy birthday. Celebrate for
all the folks overseas fighting for us.

I pray that all will come back to their loved ones, safe and sound.

For us, coffee would be trade goods in hard times, no use for the stuff. Doesn't keep
me awake, give me indigestion. Keep just a bit to have for visitors.



Notorious member
Two words: Cold Brew.

I drink coffee black and all day long because I happen to love the taste, and since I gave up my beloved tobacco a few years ago it's even more precious. Some people drink diet Coke all day, which tastes like a mixture of toxic waste and battery acid to me, but to each our own.