How did you start shooting ?


West Central AR
My rabbits are on a single file walk out too . My head , however , is proof that the perfect head theory is a crock . This baby looks like a relief map of the west half of Nebraska .


Well-Known Member
My 1st shotgun was a Stevens single shot "M94" I think. It's buried in the back of one of the safes. Sealed in one of those G.I. Long Storage sleeves, and WELL greased.
Got 2 Doves the 1st time out. Then the box was empty, 2 birds; 25 shells. Darn those tiny birds were FAST. Dad taught me how to "breast" them out, sauteed in bacon grease w/ Garlic. MM'MM Good.
Another 4 Doves later that day. With only 14 shells.
Good Times, barely remembered.