More folks turning to their computers


Active Member
Might just be me but seems like more folks spending more time on their computers due to the stay at home self quarantine.
i know I have done just that. Used to be I'd go online,check my mail and spend about 3 hours visiting different firearms forums.
Now that time has increased to about 4 hours and a bit more. Kinda a night owl and may be related to my having worked shift work for so many years. Not a bad thing as I've signed up on two new forums, met new folks and definitely expanded my knowledge regarding cast bullets. Especially here. One thing I can tell you is I definitely been catching up on my yard work. Cutting live oak tree limbs, getting debris on to the burn pile but they have a ban right now on burning so as to conserve resources. Pile is definitely getting bigger. So stay safe,wear your PPE when out. Frank


Medina, Ohio
PC's can be addictive. I've always used mine a lot, it was a big part of my work before I retired and it just carried over into my retirement.


Well-Known Member
When I was working my Job I spent 4 hours at the camera and 6 hours on the computer! A way of life in this digital age


Well-Known Member
I go on my PC the first thing when I get up in the morning.
My wife has mentioned that I am spending a lot more time now than before.


Active Member
I had to fight with my boss to get us a computer. When he told us where one was we were in the truck and had the computer hooked up in about 25 minutes. Being so far from the generating station no wires for our machine. so basically a stand alone operation. And since the machine was old that didn't help us very much. My computer is a fairly new one and seems slow as heck. Have to get my SIL over some weekend and have him work his magic. Frank