Posting Pictures


Staff member
wch, at the lower left of the window you type your message is a button that says "upload a file", click on that. A window opens of the files on your computer, choose your pictures file, locate the picture you want to upload and double click the picture. It will download that picture to your post. At the bottom of your post you then have the option of leaving it a thumbnail or displaying the picture full size.


Mine all say that the file is too large?The only one I ever got posted was taken with an old small camera,which was taken years ago.

Stole a REALLY nice camera from the oldest son.It's got extra lenses and "stuff".But more often,pics get taken on my phone.

The avatar pic was sent to Brad,who graciously posted it.Just sayin,I got some very nicely"composed" shots of guns,beautiful traditional bows,old equipment,historic preservation work,etc.,etc.To say it's frustrating is the understatement of the day?

Mike W1

Active Member
Irfanview is a free little program that lets you resize files down very easily. One doesn't need a lot of high resolution to view on a screen. Very easy to use once you've tried it a bit.


This will be the last I post on this topic because....

I've paid for and lived with 3 PHD's.What's so gauldang frustrating is the parallel universe that folks like me live in.Meaning,what guys think is so easy..."free little program" ( certainly NO offense) to some is,oh how you say?Ain't gonna happen.

I've got over 10 "book" (national register of historic places,there's a thick arse book with them listed) houses/buildings under the proverbial belt....yet,a "simple" file is beyond the scope?That only scratches the surface.Ya'll have not a clue how this effects a certain segment of society.

Think I'll go shoot some killer groups,and if the wind stops blowing,going down in the woods.BW

358156 hp

At large, whereabouts unknown.
You can resize your pics with Microsoft "Paint", or by using "Gimp", if you run Linux. Most systems usually have some sort of program for editing pic size. You can also post pics here through a host like photobucket by clicking on the icon above your reply window and entering the URL for the pic. Animated GIFs seem to require using a host. One other thing, this is the only site I visit that requires the file extension (like .jpg) to be in lower case only. If it's in upper case (.JPG) you probably won't find it in your "browse" bar. My camera always capitalizes the extension for some reason. You can change it by renaming your file in your "pictures" folder.

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Mike W1

Active Member
Maybe should have made things simpler (I hope)

Download Irfanview

Open Irfanview
Open desired picture file
Click on Image on menu
Select 640x480 or whichever size
Press OK
SAVE AS (name a file)

Those few little steps took a 3.79MB picture down to 144KB
Takes only a minute or so once you've done it a time or two. FWIW