Scrap wood Saturday, rifle rest


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Route out a hollow on the bottom of the legs and glue in some lead for weight.

Looks good.


Well-Known Member
I was looking for the wood project.
it took me a minute to figure out the Rest was it.


Staff member
One thing is certain, if it has 3 legs, you can forget about wobble.

Great Job,



SE Kansas
Here's my woodworking project, made from my neighbor's scrap Walnut. 6" tall by 8" wide; it's my interpretation of a Tureen shaped hollowform.

I confess, it took longer than a day to put it together and finish, but not that long.
Total of 109 pieces.
I can turn wood, but I can't count; it's actually 133 pieces of scrap wood.
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Active Member
Gary, Maybe it's me but how do you steady the rifle on top of that? Looks like it would just slide off.


Active Member
I wondered if there was another hole in the bottom and you just stuck the barrel right through, but your way is much better.


Well-Known Member
Those are beautiful ! Could take em to the range and stash your fired brass in them. Be the most fasionable BP Cartridge "water dunk" recepticles on earth.


Well-Known Member
That has to be the prettiest brass tumbler I have ever seen...
I am sure there are other uses for it as well..

Having been a wood worker most of my life I can truly appreciate the talent that displays...Dan