so waht ya doin today?


Well-Known Member
Lotta guy's like that bullet weight Jon.
i'm one of those that's more like i might as well just use the 44 when i get that close to 240grs.

that deck looks pretty good pressure washed.
but i'd be all over a few gallons of deck correct to fill in most of those gaps and protect the wood that's there.

i'd about finished up all i was gonna do for the day when the G-girl called.
Grandpa i'm painting the front room,,,,, you better come see it, ummm get your mom.
all of them was painting the front room.
but i went and checked her work anyway, took the 4 wheeler over [which fired right up] since it ain't moved in over a month.
i was gonna start the mustang but 'someone' [oops] left the parking lot lights on, and the battery was dead flat.
it took me a while to see the lights on, and then DOH!

well i guess [hope] sometime tomorrow the 2 amp. charge will have it topped up again, i don't know how many times a battery can take being run completely dead and charged up again, but the way i'm going i'm gonna find out here soon.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Can't compete with JW's photos. But they make ME happy.

Wife headed back home for a visit to the chiro. That left Ellie and me to entertain ourselves. Too hot to do much outdoors, even ride in the Miata. But not too hot to pressure wash the deck. I've never been a fan of doing this because it beat the daylights out of the wood. But since the deck is 30 years old this year I had nothing to lose. The old Behr's semi-transparent stain his hanging on like a tiger. EPA killed all the good strippers so my usual routine of stripping and restaining the deck every 6 years ended about 4 or 5 years ago. I figured I'd let the sun work it's magic. Well, it got so it looks more like a dock on one of the warfs in NYC. I figured if it came out poorly, I slap some make believe decking on it and never worry about it again. Only problem with that is it would cost about $5K for the decking. I can afford it, but it pains me to spend that on a deck that cost me about $6 00 to build from the ground up back in 1994.

So, I snapped this pic after getting the first 1/3 of deck done. It was looking good which gave me the incentive to carry on. Takes about 45 minutes to an hour to do 1/3 of the deck. Deck is 16 x 24.

View attachment 42039

Here's the deck all finished and pretty much dry. Not bad for 30 years of NY summers and winters.

View attachment 42040
I think it looks wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Put some 75% linseed oil and 25% mineral sprits on it and will last another 6 years!

Patina on wood is always interesting.


Well-Known Member
I didn`t do much yesterday.
I was worn out from our salmon fishing trip Monday.
We had a good time with awesome sunny 70* weather.
I did get a bit of a sunburn.
My neighbors dad caught 4 jack salmon.
Kinda crazy as we were all trolling the same gear but caught all of them.
I did manage to hand weed a little in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Getting ready to take a leisurely drive to Montana with stops to visit relatives along the way.
We’re looking forward to the cooler weather.


Well-Known Member
Chamber checked the 9mm I loaded yesterday, only 3 duds. She's taking the dog for a walk while it's cool out. Hot pavement is hard on their feet. I'll get her oil filter changed at the shop - knees finally healing from me doing it on my car, concrete is rough. 85F already and going toward 100 this afternoon.

L Ross

Well-Known Member
I'm on antibiotics for Lymes and yesterday's fishing trip sorta kicked my butt. I used SPF 100 sun block on everything exposed but my hands. Heck, they are already very tanned. Nope, by the end of the day they felt liked I'd lightly torched them. SPF 50 long sleeved sun shirt absolutely worked for sun burn, but I just don't feel that good.
We caught 6 short walleyes, some nice yellow perch, some sheepshead, a decent cat fish, and a couple of white bass. The last one I caught trolling and it had a hook near its eye. As I was carefully removing it so as not to blind the fish prior to releasing it I got hooked in the thumb all the way to the bend in the treble hook. And.....I was still hooked to the fish. I told Jimmy where I stored the small bolt cutters in the boat. He got it and cut right through the triple shank and I was free of the fish. While he finished unhooking the other treble from the fish's jaw I took a needle nose pliers, lined up the barb with the entry hole and jerked the hook out of my thumb. First aid kit, antiseptic cream and a couple of crummy bandages later we packed up and called it a day. Jimmy had me putting cold compresses with ice cubes in a fish towel on the back of my neck. I think it's the darned doxycycline. I'm a little over half way through the two week regimen.
Does anyone make band aids for men? Large enough to wrap around a digit and overlap properly, maybe water resistant?


North Central Arkansas
I'm on antibiotics for Lymes and yesterday's fishing trip sorta kicked my butt. I used SPF 100 sun block on everything exposed but my hands. Heck, they are already very tanned. Nope, by the end of the day they felt liked I'd lightly torched them. SPF 50 long sleeved sun shirt absolutely worked for sun burn, but I just don't feel that good.
We caught 6 short walleyes, some nice yellow perch, some sheepshead, a decent cat fish, and a couple of white bass. The last one I caught trolling and it had a hook near its eye. As I was carefully removing it so as not to blind the fish prior to releasing it I got hooked in the thumb all the way to the bend in the treble hook. And.....I was still hooked to the fish. I told Jimmy where I stored the small bolt cutters in the boat. He got it and cut right through the triple shank and I was free of the fish. While he finished unhooking the other treble from the fish's jaw I took a needle nose pliers, lined up the barb with the entry hole and jerked the hook out of my thumb. First aid kit, antiseptic cream and a couple of crummy bandages later we packed up and called it a day. Jimmy had me putting cold compresses with ice cubes in a fish towel on the back of my neck. I think it's the darned doxycycline. I'm a little over half way through the two week regimen.
Does anyone make band aids for men? Large enough to wrap around a digit and overlap properly, maybe water resistant?
I like the fabric Equate's (Wally's) brand. They stick good if applied when the surface is dry. Holds up to water, for the most part. However, they do offer waterproof/plastic ones. Their variety pack offers both in multiple sizes. The largest is 3/4" x 3" with several knuckle/H-style. Also have packs with one specific size. Have a box of 2 x 4 inch flexible fabric for large wounds, in the medicine cabinet.

One year, Cindy decided to unhook an undersized largemouth. Big mistake. Fish threw the lure and she got it embedded in her wrist. Was right next to a prominent vein. I keep small side cutters, in the boat. Cut the eye off the treble and two of the three hooks. Took her to the emergency due to the location of the offending hook. If I tried to push it through the skin, it might puncture the major vein. She was grilled at the emergency about spousal abuse. The bruises that Bella gave her a few days prior to, didn't help. Bella went after something and they got tangled up with the leash.


Well-Known Member
I like the fabric Equate's (Wally's) brand. They stick good if applied when the surface is dry.
You would think that all the brand that make bandaids with crappy adhesive would finally figure out that people remember that kinda stuff. I know if I find a brand that sticks well and stays on, I buy a ton of them and always remember the brands that sucked.

I went thru the grilled spouse thing several years ago. Jo got stung right next to her left eye. She looked like she'd gone a few rounds with George Foreman. I was listening as the nurse was asking questions. One was "are things okay at home?" I knew what she was getting at but Jo was clueless. She asked the nurse if she was talking financially, thinking we might not be able to pay the ER bill. The nurse tried to elude closer to spousal abuse. I finally decided to end it and said, "She wants to know if I belted you, Jo.". Jo looks at the nurse in disgust and says," It's friggin' bee sting!!!". The nurse moved on.


Well-Known Member
GK got bumped by a car, driver called 911 -proper reaction. Daughter got grilled about bruises. He a BOY. I got several door-knob black eyes too.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone make band aids for men?
3M Nexcare Waterproof and Max Hold Waterproof. I buy the single size packages, the small sizes in the assortments are too small. 1 x 2 1/4 and 2 3/8 x 3 1/2 are very useful. Have to be careful taking them off, they will tear thin skin.


Halcyon member
The 3M Foam sport bandages are excellent. There is a generic Sport Foam bandage at the $1.25 store, they are almost as good, I buy the 1 x 3.25 size


Notorious member
Certain things to ALWAYS buy name brand, or THE brand: window cleaner, medical supplies other than USP chemicals, and facial tissues.

I like to keep sterile pads on hand in various sizes and in all my first-aid kits. For one thing, there's no adhesive to go bad, just replace the tape when IT goes bad. For another, when I cut or abrade myself it always seems to be in a spot that is difficult to bandage and requires more length for wraps than self-adhesive jobbies. Horse leg tape in 4" wide rolls lasts for years even in a hot trunk and can be cut into narrow strips to hold a gauze or non-stick wound pad in place or just wrapped around the whole thing as is, and can be re-used if it doesn't get overly compressed or dirty. A shot of brake cleaner to rinse the cut, a square of paper napkin, and a couple wraps of vinyl electrician's tape has dressed most of my wounds for 25 years on the job.


Well-Known Member
lot of tape and paper towel here too.
there's some good band aid's out there.
i got some cloth ones at an outlet place and went through their entire inventory taking out the like 5" long finger ones and their big-little knuckle ones.
they'll stay on even through a couple of showers and hand washings like it's nothing.
you just gotta pay the extra 2 bucks.
i was paying 89 cents for like 10 of them so i bought 40 boxes just to make damn sure i had some good ones.
then i put them out in my shop so the kids didn't put them on a scuff mark.


Well-Known Member
today was jar and freeze stuff day.
we got about 7-8lbs. of pesto put up, would have been more but drunk money number-2 tried pouring a half cup of salt into a batch.
there wasn't enough Basil left to cut it with so we trashed it.

then we started on the Beets.
i had Bubbs come over and help me pick and then wash and prep them to go over to his house for the peeling and slicing.
i rode him home on the 4 wheeler which then meant i had to take his sister.

we also took over some garlic scapes and the first cauliflower of the year along with a couple of Broccoli.
some of the broccoli didn't quite make it to the pot, and we cut a chunk off the cauliflower to bottle in the beet pickling solution.
came out pretty good,, except the sweet part, that was just a bit too much.
but we nailed the cook time, so the next time we can simply modify the brining solution to be more neutral.
i think we ended up with 11 quarts of beets, maybe 10, i don't remember exactly, but it was over 100 beets and i've only got about half of them picked out.

so i waited till it cooled down a touch to take the G-Girl out for her ride.
i took her up to the foothill like a block from their house, and then down a little country road for a ways along the canal.
on the way out i kept looking at some of the bushes along the way and some of them looked awful familiar.
i turned us around and pulled over to where i seen them and sure enough they are current bushes.
i didn't check them for complete ripeness but the color looked good from 10 foot away.
guess i'll take another trip out there tomorrow or Friday.