Tis the day . . .


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
Smoked my first prime rib Monday. It was amazing. Slathered with butter, garlic, roseMary and thyme. To say it was a hit is a massive understatement.

Rick will be well fed by his hosts. Have a good day together. Friends and family are what matters most.


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
Our 14-pound prime rib is gone, except for four slices we saved, and there were more sweets on display than in a Viennese bakery.

Got the slows, today, only because of that extra glass of wine that helped me enjoy the quiet after the family left. Man, they blow in like a hurricane, are as loud as an overcrowded indoor stadium, and when they leave the silence is deafening.


Well-Known Member
I also did a prime rib roast on the kamado. Came out perfect for Mom, boys and MIL (medium well). I've always preferred my beef to MOO when I stick the fork in it. If it's warm in the middle it's perfect. I do cook it a little more now as my years advance and my immune system is less robust, but still go for just beyond "blood rare" for myself. Brisket is of course, an exception.

Sure did enjoy smoking the roast out on the deck with a grand view of the woods and hills.


SE Kansas
Sounds like you're really enjoying the new venue. I have a Kamado and haven't ventured into meal cooking on it yet, but it is the BEST smoker/grill I've ever had.

uncle jimbo

Well-Known Member
Boy do I feel left out. All I got was a 8oz. fillet minion, Baked potato, and green peas. It was good,but if I had my rathers, I would just as soon had a prime rib. The the steaks were give to us for a present.


Well-Known Member
My Wife did our 1st Prime Rib in the oven Last Night.
NEVER done it that way before.

Perfect twice a Year for 37 Years.

Underdone disaster!!!!!!

Come Wedding Anniversary Weekend, It's back in the WEBER KETTLE.

And Christmas Dinner at My Wife's Niece's. The usual Italian Food. Sure everything is scratch made. But Mosticholli for 20yrs. Spinach Salad with walnuts. Foccahica bread with olive oil.
And the new Dish added this year. Italian Sausage and potato soup with spinach.
My Own freaking Recipe.
I made it for Dinner last Friday night. Lunch on Sat & Mon.

But It's the only Function for Her Family I have to attend all year.
Only 365days until the next one.


We had a steady stream of family coming lots of good food. I made a big ole pulled pork, Boston butt and a bunch of quiches. Along with a bunch of more traditional fare.

One interesting addition to our extended family "crew" is the youngest's, father in law's new girlfriend. She's the head pastry chef at a local $$$$ restaurant. Of Ukrainian background/training she outdid herself.

It was pretty cool.... me and the youngest were shooting bows Christmas morning waiting for the first wave. Which was the very pretty woman above. So I'm standing there watching numbnut,look up and see a PERFECT grapevine. With his help,pulled it down and while he shot some more...... I rolled and twisted up a great 15-16" diameter wreath. Turned out dang near perfect. Slapped a gold bow left over from other wreath making and had it in the kitchen for her,with 5 minutes to spare.

She was grinning from ear to ear......
As we all were with the load of trays of very fancy bakery specials. She's very special and I was happy to entertain for her first Christmas in the U.S.


Oh yeah,to keep Coco entertained whilst opening presents......

I kept stuffing colored tissue paper in her bandana "collar". Looked like a full maned lion.... she thought it was a badge of honor and pranced around getting people to take pics of her. Spoiled rotten.