Where did the name artfulbullet come from?


Staff member
When the forum was being formed and discussed several names had been tossed around. I emailed Glen Fryxell and asked him what he thought would be a good name for the forum. His reply . . .

The Art & Science of Bullet Casting.

And so it was.


Staff member
As for Artfulbullet? Well, when Kevin was setting up the domain name and the name Art & Science had been decided on twas his idea to make the domain Artfulbullet. Kind of perplexing everybody but once chosen it is what it is.


Staff member
Possibly. Or possibly Kevin being a bit unsure just what a cast bullet is. :eek: He had freely admitted to having no experience with the subject.


Official forum enigma
I view the 'Artful Bullet' site name as reference to Dickens' Oliver Twist character Jack Dawkins, AKA "The Artful Dodger". Dawkins was a proficient pickpocket, and we bullet casters truly pick the pockets of ammomakers with every round loaded and every shot fired. It gives me great pleasure to do so, I should add.


Well-Known Member
I was at the LGS today just perusing the bullet aisle, when another guy wandered past.
he looked at me and was like looking for 9mm bullets?
pshat,,, no.
I probably won't live long enough to shoot the ones I have loaded, never mind the ones in the bucket.
quizzical look from him.
I just make pretty much whatever I need,,, I'm good.


Taco Aficionado/Salish Sea Pirate/Part-Time Dragon
I like the name. It helps that my major while at college was Art.

“the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.“

By that definition we are all “Lead Sculptors”!



Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
I can assure you that little real thought went into the URL. We looked at what was available and just went with it.

Glen did indeed give the forum the title. It was easily the best idea we had.


Benevolent Overlord and site owner
Staff member
The banner you see is the work of my wife. I took the photo and she came up with the lettering and final visual effects.

Can anyone who joined in the past year tell me what mould is show in the banner?
Quiet Bob, you know because I showed you the mould last weekend.