WTB: Weaver scope


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: Found one! Thanks!

I'm looking for a fixed-power 6x Weaver scope (T6 or K6), preferably from the Micro Trac era. Cash, or I may have moulds etc that you're looking for.

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West Central AR
I'll be in touch in a few days . It's a simple story ...... I pounced on one because I'm an addict and I have a problem ....... :)
Gun pic suggests it's a clean low miles El Paso . I don't even have it yet but will by the weekend . I think it's a K8 , I'm not crazy about some of the reticals so upon a quick review I will let you know .

Charles Graff

Moderator Emeritus
I am a fan of the later El Paso made Weaver scopes. When Bill Weaver died and the company sold, the existing unsold stock was sold at auction. I was living in El Paso at the time and my gun dealer bought dozens. I bought a spotting scope and three rifle scopes. The spotting scope was stolen but I still have the rifle scopes, none are for sale.

Addendum: Bill Weaver's body is in the only above ground mausoleum in the main El Paso Cemetery. His family build it over several existing graves. They paid a bundle to settle the lawsuits with the families of those held down by Weaver's mausoleum.
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West Central AR
Box came today . It's a post El Paso K8-E . Unfortunately because it has a duplex it's off the block ..... I do have a fine wire K4 I would consider rehoming .


Well-Known Member
What about a TV view Weaver fixed 6?

I am unsure of era but guessing it's 25 or 30 years old. Its a nice scope but newer maybe then what your wanting.



Well-Known Member
CW, is your scope marked "Micro Trac"? Which reticle does it have?

The K#-W scopes came in about 1973. Micro Trac came into being about 1978. I'm trying to stick with El Paso production (pre-End of Days in 1984) but either might work.
