Friday I am getting a new....


Well-Known Member
Rich, we had a cat just like that one and my youngest daughter named it Mittens as well!
I wanted to name it “Handy”…..
It wandered off one day and haven’t seen it since.
Probably coyotes got it- or it went to a house where they feed better scraps!


Well-Known Member
We love pretty much all animals. Have a special place in our hearts for the 4-legged variety. I'm particularly drawn to dogs, cats and horses.

Dad watched me get most of the horses in a pasture (strange pasture, strange horses) to come to me after he had tried and failed for a couple of weeks using carrots and apples. He said it almost looked like I had a telepathic connection with the horses. Made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.


Halcyon member
I had a brother/sister pair of tuxedo's
They were born as outside cats at my buddy's farm in '99
Those two were the first cat's I ever had that were indoor/outdoor cats. They would never leave the yard, would just hang out in the garden while I was out there, if I went inside, they would wait by the back door to be let back in. When the big brother passed and I got a Tabby, she was a wanderer/hunter. She cured me letting house cats go outside...that's a long story, with a few chapters, I'll save for later.

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2009MAY13 skunky dirt 800px.jpg


Active Member
I’ve never been much of a cat fan, much preferring dogs. And I’m allergic to both, but more so to cats.

Having said that, I did have a cat once and he was a real personality. We were living at the end of a neighborhood with forest next to us. A feral female lived nearby and would sometimes hang out on our deck. She was obviously pregnant and still had one young kitten hanging around from her last litter that she was trying to rid herself of.

One day we had the sliding glass door to the deck cracked open and I was surprised to see the kitten inside the house. Mom would swat him every time he tried to go back outside. Long story short, he ended up as my pet - so much as he allowed.

I named him Mike. He liked to go behind the couch and reach up between the cushions with his paw to swat whomever was seated there. He insisted that I share my cake donut with him. He tolerated being scratched on the belly, but I was the only one in the family who was able to do that.

Unfortunately when we moved out of state he had to go to another home. A good neighbor friend took him in and Mike was happy in his new home and gave them many years of pleasure until he passed about 10 years later.

Here in MN there was a small gray and white feral cat that lived in the neighborhood. He was quite the mouser and my wife saw him stalk and take a small squirrel once. He eventually was injured somehow and ended up with a limp. About 2 years after that he disappeared, possibly the victim of an owl, hawk, or other predator.