so waht ya doin today?


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
THE RAIN STOPPED!!!!! Not sure how much we got but I'd bet at least 2". Everything is saturated at this point. Same all story, always too little or too much and nothing we can do about it.

SWMBO went to work sick after spending yesterday worrying herself to tears over the big Shepherd. He's fine, she's not, but I can't talk sense to her. Been that way since 1977, she isn't going to change now!

Have a large list of stuff to get done before it starts raining again this Saturday. I'm spinning my wheels in a lot of it, just plain forget during the day. I need to start writing stuff down...if I can remember where I put my little pocket notebook! Nothing Biden-esque, I've been this way all my life.

Gordy is in kind of a tizzy. The old machinist he works with at the shop is going to retire soon and that leaves Gordy there alone. He is pretty concerned about the company finding another machinist, but there just doesn't seem to be anyone that is interested. Strange times we live in. There are kids graduating from our vo-tech school every year with machining training, but none seem interested in local work. ETA- Now that I think about it, this shop is all manual and the kids are likely all trained with CNC gear. A DRO is about as advanced as this place is. Makes more sense now.
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Well-Known Member
I find it very easy and Im about as illaterate a operator as there could be...

i use my iphone mostly so maybe the software is different somehow.
But I click "attach files" button at bottom of this lil window. Then that brings up photos. I select photo, then click size and reduse size to "large"-!; click OK or ADD top right corner. Then in photo either "insert" or below photo insert multiple followed by full size. Last "POST REPLY" as always and pic is in box for all to see.
you could aso use a photo storage provider and link photo here.

Im sure this can be explained better... But its ntoo difficult.


Well-Known Member
Inset Image (control P) and drag an image file into the square. I resize to make them smaller to save server space - very large files will get rejected. Image storage companies come and go, have lots of restrictions.


Well-Known Member
New great grandchildren is a really wonderful turn of events. I'm addicted to the news, but also a bit depressed by it. New grandchildren and great grandchildren really helps bring things back into balance.
Thanks for your news Oscar and Rick.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Congratulations Oscar and Rick! Good news seems a rare commodity these days.

SWMBO is taking a day off. She's got to be sick to do that. I think rest is what she needs. Hoping she feels better soon.

Lost a neighbor night before last. One of those guys that was just always around. We should have expected it as he had cancer, was quite overweight, drank like a fish, heavy tobacco use, bad heart too IIRC, just didn't take any care of himself. Still, you just don't expect it. I pray he finds peace.

Got the sheep/goats moved back out of the barn yesterday. Had one red ewe and a white doe that just wouldn't co-operate and led 1/3 of the herd everywhere but where I wanted them. Spent probably 1/2 hour to 45 minutes playing sheep dog. I stink at being a sheepdog, can't move fast enough. Lamed me up pretty good. Getting old!

L Ross

Well-Known Member
The rut is on! Tuesday morning we had to take a trip and saw 9 different bucks around sunrise in the first 11 miles. There were 5 does and 4 bucks in one recently cut bean field. The does placidly eating the bucks standing one near each adult doe with their breath showing in the 28 degree windless sunrise. Pretty cool.

Yesterday evening as I was wrapping up a day of chores, again, there were several deer passing through the back yard. One buck has even made a scrape in the back lawn using a box elder as a licking branch.

I have to go pick up the Kubota this morning and I'd like to do that before the rain. I want to put my pop-up blind by my 80 yard berm as those deer all passed within 20 yards of the berm. I won't hunt with the crossbow if it's raining though. If you need to blood trail, well you know.


Well-Known Member
I had to "break into" my bedroom safe...

Oct 1 I change batteries. Worked perfect used new Energizer premium lithium AA 's.

About a week later... dead as a door nail! I go for my key. IT WONT WORK! I get my spec's and read numbers Its correct key number... Well FUDGE!

So I start looking as I only found a single key and I know there was two. Looked for three days. Couldn't find. But writing this I seem ta remember all extra keys was in my Pistol cafe... Ooh well too late cause I got the angle Grinder out with a new disc, Gloves and goggles and "opened it"!!


I found batteries dislodged but dead. I installed some rechargables. I know they are slight diff voltage but always worked... I ran the code and it would not work. I checked manual and assumed it reverted to factory code. As I was entering that code... It went from nice crisp "beeps" to a scratchy long tone and then dead!!
I scrounged up another set of four different rechargables and bingo its working fine.
I cut it so I could weld it back together. But need fix the key issue as well as be sure the electronics work again. Now its a sub 100$ unit. I have had for some years changing batteries yearly. Never a issue or battery sploding. So unsure what coulda happened to screw with electronics.

I got all "occupants" out safely.


Staff member
I've had lousy luck with those bunny batteries, even the lithium's. Just using the TV remote as an example, with bunny batteries change batteries every few weeks. Use copper tops and change batteries every few months. No more bunny batteries for me.


Well-Known Member
regarding batteries - we (hunting buddies) found that the Amazon batteries ran a cell game cam for a year. Others I have had great luck with are Public brand batteries.


Well-Known Member
I used the Energizer lithium battery for a long time.
The last two big batches (24 count), about 40% of the batteries died within a week when they should last a year.
Also, they show 99% in game Cams till they die. They don't tell you they are getting weak and need to be replaced.
I've changed to the Max battery.
I'll never use Duracell since I opened one of there 6 volt batteries and found it was just 4 heavy duty "D" cells wired together.IMAG1572.jpg


Halcyon member
Every once in a while, I get the Hoarder Blues...Got 'em right now.

It all started last week as I finished most of the yard/garden fall cleanup. I sat in the lawnchair looking at the fine work I had done as well as the many stacks of split firewood in my yard(should be 3 years worth) ...then my mind started wandering about this house and yard, What if I have to move? I know I won't be able to stay in this house until I die, as I get older and less-abled, I won't be able to take care of everything with this place by myself...let alone be healthy enough to properly liquidate my "Hoard"

I like to think I am more of a collector than a Hoarder, because the things I have collected is either firewood related or casting/shooting related. I don't just collect stuff for hoarding sake, I collect said items because ...because ...because ...well I got reasons, I'll save reporting those reasons for another time.

Anyway, I was thinking how I'd tackle moving or liquidating my entire casting-shooting collection (firewood and the tools to make firewood would be easy to sell). But, what a chore the casting-shooting stuff would be (there is 4 rooms full of the stuff, plus lots of alloy stashed here and there outside of the house). How did I get to this point? It's kind of depressing...Got the Blues.
BTW, there is one last great small town gunshow of the calendar year this Halloween weekend in Windom, MN. I hope I can talk myself out of going there and buying more stuff for my stash
Lastly, I appreciate you all for loaning me your ears, my three closest friends who usually have to hear this whining are all too busy to sit down for a long chat and help get me out of this funk. I am hoping just the time to physically type this out, will help me get past this depression.