What is your weather today?


Alaska Land of the Midnight Sun
Got 3” of wet snow yesterday and it has started snowing again, supposed stop by noon..wish temperatures would drop 5 or 10 * so it would be drier snow. Hate wet snow.


Halcyon member
A fantastic weather day here in MN. Near 80º. Tomorrow should be the same. With the warm weather, I was able to replace (and paint) some 1x4 trim boards on my yard barn (old one's rotted), and painted the doors and re-hung them (they were screwed to the trim boards.

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Such a beautiful day. When the warm sunny weather caused the Asian Lady Beetles to become intolerable, we gave the Indian a quick spritz and hit the road, it may be our last chance for the year. It was 77° when we pulled out of the driveway. First we went to Pike's Peak State Park in Iowa south of MacGregor. There are several over looks that allow you to see the confluence of the Wisconsin River where it debouches into the Mississippi River. A very historic place and interesting to view from above and perhaps a mile away.

The foliage that remains is mainly Oaks but the colors are excellent this Fall, lots of yellows, reds, and maroons. We recrossed the Mississippi back into Wisconsin at Prairie Du Chien and it was 86° briefly, the highest temperature we saw on our ride. It only dropped to 58° over night so it will be warm again today.


North Central Arkansas
Wind blew all night. Out of the south at 10-15 mph. Temperature only dropped to 67* overnight. Deer aren't moving, as a result. High of 81 degrees. More of the same, tomorrow. Rain forecasted for Tuesday..........cooling off to a more seasonal 61 degrees.


High Steppes of Eastern Washington
Clouds blew out last night and the low this morning was 30*. Sunny today and will likely hit the low 60s. Clouds suppose to be coming back over the mountains tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
My first sit on a tree stand this morning, 71 degrees when I walked out at dawn, supposed to hit 89 today. Is it really October?

L Ross

Well-Known Member
58° at dawn, still windy and it got up to 77°. Around 4:30 pm a mass of clouds started moving in but the temperature hasn't dropped yet, but something's coming.


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
It was 47, at 0700, and the first official flannel shirt Fall morning.


"OK, OK, I'm going as fast as I don't want to go!"
Finally down into the 60s here in the Mojave Desert.

I'm ready for winter . . . still need to split more wood. We only have a wood burner in this house.

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Thunderstorms last night with a fantastic light show with long bolts going all the way down to the ground. And even better, those storms split and went around us giving us all the visuals and audios but no damage. We got some rain but I do not know how much yet.

Still 63° this morning in the pre dawn darkness. Very unusual.


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
At 0700 it was 45 outside and 59 inside, and the furnace's first firing of the season.


North Central Arkansas
Sprinkle so far. Expect more later.
Same forecast here. Got a few nuisance drops, while out hunting this AM. Rain is suppose to start around dusk, this evening and continue though tomorrow. please-boy.gifWe need it bad. We've had humidity levels in the high teens, low 20 percentile. Unheard of for us. More like the desert.

Under threat of fire danger............since it's been very windy, the last couple of days.


North Central Arkansas
happy dance.jpgFinally, got the rain they promised. Started raining last evening, couple hours after dusk. Rained through the night. Gauge, currently has 1.7 inches and still lightly precipitating. Good soaking rain should alleviate the fire danger, somewhat.