What is your weather today?


West Central AR
Warm day , muggy , had enough rain last night to keep the windshield wet going home .

I grew up in the Truckee and Carson Irrigation system in the great Basin . It is an amazing water system that does bizarre with water . There's a river that has it's head water springs straight line about 115 miles apart but runs north then west and south 250 miles to get there , from a spring to a sink .

The Carson river is said to have high levels of mercury in from the Comstock days in Virginia City . You can eat the fish just not as a steady diet . The NEPA won't allow a mining function clean up of the middle river into the lower river and irrigation areas ...... Because one might dislodge the mercury pools and contaminate the river which is a collective concept that makes my brain hurt . It's a captive system if it's in there it's not going anywhere and the more of it you take out the less there is to be trapped in the system.......on the other hand it's in a cold water run off river in pockets and if it goes worst case it would end up in shallow warm reservoirs ......

The irony of that is that the mercury originates with the lead , silver , and gold that was mined and remain to be mined .......
Briefly the streets of Virginia City NV were paved in silver ....... All that blue mud .
Can't clean it up because the clean up might make a bigger mess than the mess they should clean up that amounts to sweeping a hard clay floor . Sure you're going to sweep up the dirt but it's still a dirt floor .......


"OK, OK, I'm going as fast as I don't want to go!"
Pouring rain on the Cali coast. Looks like San Francisco is getting hammered. My weather report for Mojave shows lots of rain for the next 5 days!


Well-Known Member
Upper 50's for most of the week! All the Ice from the below zero days has gone! Yard shows green grass I like that to usher in 2023!


North Central Arkansas
Currently 57* with fog. Expected high of 71 degrees. However, we're under a likely risk of severe weather, for this afternoon till 2 AM.

From TWC: There is a likely risk of severe weather today. Wind, tornadoes and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.


Well-Known Member
Currently 57* with fog. Expected high of 71 degrees. However, we're under a likely risk of severe weather, for this afternoon till 2 AM.

From TWC: There is a likely risk of severe weather today. Wind, tornadoes and hail are possible, but wind is the greatest threat.


Well-Known Member
Cool, Windy and Rain, Rain and more Rain.
Mudslides to follow. May dry up a bit on Thursday.
Then Rain, Rain and more Rain.
Had a brownout last night, first one I've ever experienced in 68yrs on the SoCal Coast.
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Cadillac Jeff

Well-Known Member
Mid to upper 30s gray & misty all day most of the snow/ice is gone from the road and drive way , last night we had a thunder storm vary weird it was pouring down for a few minutes


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
Weather guessers are saying to prepare for the end. Rain, thunderstorms, flooding, land slides (so much for heading to higher ground), high winds, high surf, cyclone bomb (whatever that is), Pineapple Express, etc. Yesterday, county workers breached the river's lagoon so it can flow to the ocean so residents who live in its flood plane won't have flooded homes (why the county permits houses to be built in a flood plane defies logic, but reckon rich land owners contributing to a non-government retirement fund may be a factor). Also, yesterday, the next county over told residents alongside its river to evacuate. Today, the guv declared a state of emergency. Emergency people said to load up on free sandbags and sand, have a three-day supply of food, charge cell-phones, stage flashlights and candles. Say your prayers.

Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my.

Rick H

Well-Known Member
Bomb cyclone: A 24 millibar drop in the barometric pressure in 24 hours. A strong low pressure storm front wasn't dramatic enough so they coined a new word for the not uncommon occurrence. What better way to increase your ratings than scare the bejesus out of folks?


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Bomb cyclone: A 24 millibar drop in the barometric pressure in 24 hours. A strong low pressure storm front wasn't dramatic enough so they coined a new word for the not uncommon occurrence. What better way to increase your ratings than scare the bejesus out of folks?
Derzackly!!! That's what they called our Christmas blizzard. Just a new, SCARY!!!!!, name for a bad storm. Fear is what they peddle. Fear sells. Fear gets clicks and makes them $$$. They don't have to be right even 10% of the time, but they still have the moral high ground of "Better safe than sorry!".

What a world we live in...

L Ross

Well-Known Member
Over cast and 25° at dawn with a heavy fall of Cardinals, a sprinkling of chickadees and Juncoes, followed by a deluge of Blue Jays, tapering off to a misting of squirrels.


Official forum enigma
Spun-up WEATHER REPORTS & FORECASTS are just another facet of 21st Century life. There is so much drivel being streamed every second that info must be shouted to get any attention at all. You just need to re-calibrate your listening system to the new reality--90% of any news/weather/sports source is BS, so filter accordingly.