What is your weather today?


Alaska Land of the Midnight Sun
Been crappy with rain and strong winds for about 10 days here in southern Oregon and looking like more of the same for the next week. Winds have been quite strong 15 to 20 constant with gusts up to 30 - 35. one day gusts were supposed to be hitting 60, but I don’t think it got that bad, at least right here. There were a few trees down though.
Decided not to go to Arizona this winter which looks like a good decision as I’d need water wings for the old motorhome to get through California.

Cadillac Jeff

Well-Known Member
24 yup flurries...not really adding up, wind out of north 11 to 18 gusts.
Funny how the weather wonder boy is promising sunshine & making news of it.


Well-Known Member
Right now it's middle fifties, some sunshine & clouds, 15knots winds WxNW. Typical SoCal winters day.
Rain will come thundering in by midnight.


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
Enjoying a rain break and waiting to see if I'll continue to live on a peninsula, or if the area becomes an island. Two of the three roads in and out of here are about to become flooded, if they haven't already, when the Salinas River floods two of the highways. It's already overflowed its banks in many places, flooded many tens-of-thousands of farm land, breeched levies, and flooded roads.
The third highway is prone to landslides whenever the second rain drop of the year falls, so I presume it's been closed.

The good news is, the aquifers are getting recharged. The bad news is, the storm drains all run to sea.

Since December 1 the rain frog has collected 15" -- all of last year it collected 12 inches.


North Central Arkansas
Currently, 21 degrees with light wind.

Fine morning to continue the cold weather testing of my 338W hunting load with cast. It passed the 30's, 40's & 50 degree window, earlier this week.


Well-Known Member
Down right Miserable and cold today Temps in low 20's a high wind ...Wind chill 8 to 12 deg
Tomorrow we will be back up in the 40's again Really crazy weather ! Then up in the 40's for most of this week!
I can live with that:D


California's Central Coast Amid The Insanity
Well, I'm still on a peninsula rather than the anticipated island. The river didn't quite reach the level to flood the two major roads, but the storms aren't over and the flood watchers remain vigilant.

This morning the rain frog collected 3/4" and 1/4" is still scheduled.


Official forum enigma
Light rain started some minutes ago, heavier rain is forecast through today and tonight. We shall see. 1.6" is predicted for this spate of storms. 53* right now.
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Curmudgeon in training
Finally warm enough and sunny enough to give Zeus the Rottweiler a bath.
Lord have mercy he was filthy...


Halcyon member
Rain this morning and afternoon.
Suppose to get 1/4" to 1/2" and maybe more in some areas.
Yesterday was the first day in quite a while since we've been above freezing, so the ground is well frozen, probably a couple feet of frost in areas that weren't insulated by snow. I don't know where this rain water is gonna flow too?