so waht ya doin today?


Well-Known Member
never mind what i typed yesterday.... LOL

every day is a new day,,, siiigh.
i had just come in from opening the boxes, getting the moveable sprinklers lined out in the front and back yard, then doing some quick weeding in a few spots, and was debating whether to watch some stuff i have DVR'd or go out and actually do what i was gonna do.
when Littlegirl called with an 'emergency'.
her idea of an emergency and mine differ a bit.
she went to start watering her flowers out front and then went in the basement to start some laundry when she heard some 'weird water noises'.
her out side faucet stem had split open over the winter [common occurrence around here] and was spraying water.
i went over took a look and threw a wrench on it
so off to the ACE we go [40 dollars for me in stuff i probably don't need] and 5 minutes fixing the faucet.
i did get a new outside electric box and plug then spent an hour and a half installing it so now i have a plug out under the crab apple tree.

the fence,,,, well i'll get to it later.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
On a windows computer, ALT 167
I use it all the time.
Here is a list.
Thanks Jon! I had seen several similar pages mentioning the "ALT 167" or 0167, but not a one of them mentioned using the numeral pad!!! Apparently that makes the difference. You're my hero for at least the next 30 seconds! ;)


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
her out side faucet stem had split open over the winter [common occurrence around here] and was spraying water.
I've replaced several of those "frost proof" faucet bibs. Finally read the instructions and realized I needed to add a shutoff in the basement well back from the outside wall. Works even better if I remember to open the faucet and let it drain!

Speaking of water, it rained like crazy here yesterday afternoon. It had been hot and dry and I was thinking the one rough field I need to disc up into black dirt was just about dry enough to get out into. That thought must have triggered the rain gods anger and down it came! I did manage to get the lawn almost all the way finished beforehand. The old JD 300 was running good but it's skipping and coughing now. Could be electrical, like a bad condensor or it could be a sticking valve or 5 or 6 other things. The old girl really needs a replacement engine, shakes like crazy at low speed. I think the Kohlers of that type had a balancer in the engine. or something that served as such, might be wrong on that. At any rate she runs smooth at full throttle, or did, but the blow by and other issues are rapidly mounting. Needs all the wiring re-done too. Of course thats one of those winter projects I never think of in winter.

Bright, breezy and cool today. Got fence to move and 50 other things to get going on. Typical!

L Ross

Well-Known Member
46° this morning. Your post prompted me to look up the short cut for a Mac.

As far as waht I'm doing with this beautiful day, well, more getting ready for my shooters to arrive. In recent days I've had 3 drop out for a variety of personal reasons, not unusual. The biggest concern will be how I handle the myriad of little details once people arrive and Sue takes off. Typically we run ourselves ragged with, "Duke, where's your?" or "Do you have any?" Sue, "Can I do this, can you do this, where is there, what happened to?"

I cannot count the number of trips I will make back and forth to the house which lays up on a hill from where everything else takes place. Up the hill, down the hill, up the...... "Duke, where's your rifle vice?" "Duke, do you have any .22 cleaning patches?" "Duke, the fuse blew in the old garage when I turned on the air in my camper, do you have any more fuses?" "Duke, I dropped my EDC gun in the Porta Potty." Okay, now I was kidding.

Thank goodness the weather is promising to be nice. I have a clothing requirement for the event. You must dress in clothing appropriate to a time period of 1870 to 1939, or as I tell my friends, cowboy to Oh Brother Where Art Thou?" Any social class or occupation. We started this because we used to dress up for BPCR, cowboy, schuetzen, and rendezvous events. I think it adds a touch of class to the gathering. No shorts, T-shirts, and Crocs allowed.

I'm sure I will be off line as of Wednesday, so you'all will get a break from my drivel.


North Central Arkansas
FWIW, frost proof hose bibs do not need to be long as seating stem is long enough to be inside the heated portion of your house/building. I had them in Michigan and have them here in Arkansas. Never opened them to drain for the winter. Main thing is not to leave a hose connected when the temperatures drop below freezing.


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
10x10 sill posts with a 12" frost poof bib. Trust me, in my situation draining is a really good idea.


Well-Known Member
10x10 sill posts with a 12" frost poof bib. Trust me, in my situation draining is a really good idea.
I think I am missing something here.

The frost free water valves my brother has, in his Barn, garage and field has the actual off on valve 5ft below the ground. Has a rod on the lever up top that goes down to the valve to actuate it.With a leach bed under it. It drains completely down to the valve and leach bed everytime you shut it off. It never needs draining because it automatically leaches out. It has always given 54 degree water even in below zero weather. To change the seals you just pull the works back up thru the tube no redigging.
We have had to torch the top of the one in his field,to get water, just because water got in the mechanism, mostly from freezing rain. Making it hard to move the handle.We do have a heat tape on the one in the field now.
Why not get something like that. Requires a lot of digging but once it is in, pretty much worry free, and usable summer and winter.

Now the little twisty on the side of my house, it says frost free. But the line runs right beside the heating duct, and none of it but the valve protrudes. The instructions for it say just do not use it in temps below 25 degrees.
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Well-Known Member
I've replaced several of those "frost proof" faucet bibs. Finally read the instructions and realized I needed to add a shutoff in the basement well back from the outside wall. Works even better if I remember to open the faucet and let it drain!
When we built our house back in the early 80's my FIL said to me," we need to put a shut of in the basement" to the outside faucet! I told him I bought a freeze proof outside faucet with a 10" long shut off stem! He said to be safe shut the water off in the basement to the outside line and drain the freeze proof faucet! I always have! Good idea


West Central AR
Got a tick Sunday I guess didn't discover the little rascal until Monday morning . I've had maybe 10 ticks in my whole life , same routine slap something greasy on them , hair conditioner , Red n Tacky , Vaseline , Bag Balm and in an hour they're trying to get loose and breathe . It worked as planned and there are just so many self telling Bag Balm jokes in this case . Haven't had a bug bite swell up like that since the yellow jackets in 83' , mosquitoes in 75' , and ants in 70ish .
No parts left behind just an exaggerated reaction in tender flesh/skin . Got a batch of doxycycline for the preemptive Lyme , Rocky Mountain , Chaffe(something) , and that one from rabbits I can't spell today . Better safe right ?

Ian I think we have the fuel thing secured , now I need a trans cooler to run in clean air . In case it comes up the new tank and pump run on a 5ish second timer the old rear runs on a pressure shut off . So flip the switch and cold start on the rear after it pumps up and run on the front unless I need to run it out . The new regulator will go in tomorrow morning . I'm almost betting on a cut or damaged seal there , it is weeping fuel outside .

At work in my little tinted window shack . It's definitely warming up in the south , the sweaters are off and the girls ........yeah well it's not as bad as it could be there are a few though that ...... There was a comic strip long ago with a snake and such memorable line as "if life's a bowl of cherries , why do I eat mice" and following a panel of legs and heels he says with stars and # circling his head " ya ever noticed that the ones that worry most about being bitten are the ones you wouldn't want to bite ?" Me of course having the body of a god , Budda but still a god , I've got little room to talk . I'm one of those that no longer belongs in shrink to fit jeans ,but a few of the pass holders should rethink their wardrobe selections because they aren't 30 anymore and stretch pants and tops probably didn't look all that good on them at 40 ........
Never trust a skinny cook .


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
I think I am missing something here.

The frost free water valves my brother has, in his Barn, garage and field has the actual off on valve 5ft below the ground. Has a rod on the lever up top that goes down to the valve to actuate it.With a leach bed under it. It drains completely down to the valve and leach bed everytime you shut it off. It never needs draining because it automatically leaches out. It has always given 54 degree water even in below zero weather. To change the seals you just pull the works back up thru the tube no redigging.
We have had to torch the top of the one in his field,to get water, just because water got in the mechanism, mostly from freezing rain. Making it hard to move the handle.We do have a heat tape on the one in the field now.
Why not get something like that. Requires a lot of digging but once it is in, pretty much worry free, and usable summer and winter.

Now the little twisty on the side of my house, it says frost free. But the line runs right beside the heating duct, and none of it but the valve protrudes. The instructions for it say just do not use it in temps below 25 degrees.
No, these are not frost free hydrants like you are describing. These are hose bibs with an extended tube that goes through your basement or side wall and has the valve back in the heated area...more or less. Something like this-


At the casting bench in the sky. RIP Bret.
Kind thoughts and prayers to ya Smokey. Never been through it, but I hear it's not at all pleasant!


Curmudgeon in training
I hope it passes quickly Smokey.
My mother had one once.
She told me that given a choice between passing a kidney stone and giving birth again, she would choose giving birth. :eek: